
I'm adyla & i'm 19.

I don't plan to delete this blog for now.
Although I won't be active here anymore.

So please visit me in my new blog, thanks.


To upgrade. To achieve. To graduate. With rainbow colours.


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My Crazy Sister, Zimah
My Beloved Cuzzie, Nina
My Beloved Cuzzie, Nisa
My Beloved Cuzzie, Tasha
My Lovely Sister, Kak Rufi
My Close Gf, Shimma
My Bestie, Charlotte
My Close Gf, Syafiqah
My Close Gf, Ain
My Loving Friend, Aqidah
My Adorable Buddy, Kathy
My Sweet Friend, Taufiq
My Cute Classmate,Janice
My Cute Classmate's BF,Eugene
S'pore Poly Make-Up Artiste Club


you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down.
skin by: Jane
Sunday, April 26, 2009 @ 10:55 PM
that I have scorned

I could tell you what I've done
Or should I tell you where I went wrong?

In my weakness, I've lost faith
I've been careless and I have been warned
God, bless the guys that I have scorned.

I'm so lost and I need you to help me repent

So I'm gonna get down on my knees
Beg forgiveness to help set me free
God, have mercy on me, please.

Mercy On Me,
Christina Aguilera

I was listening to some music from Christina Aguilera. The song 'Walk Away' reminded me so much of my past. But then when I listened to this song, it related to me so much, at how my life was back then and how it is now.

Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 11:05 PM
feelings that make me daydream.

A new start, that's what I told a friend.

This day today I made a deal with myself that I'll forget.
Forget about the feelings that will only distract me from my aims, my goals, my purpose in life.
Be it for my studies, my future, my life.

The feelings that make me daydream.
The feelings of bliss every girl/guy wants to experience.

So I've decided to play it safe and erase the feelings.
On and off, it kept coming and going.

I'll remember the person, but I'll forget those feelings.
I won't have to see him again.
For now.

Maybe I will, someday.

Today I leave behind something special in search of God's mercy.
I hope one day He will bless me with something better.

Allah knows best.

Strong women are those
who make mistakes, who
admit to them, learn from
those failures, and use that

They fail time and again,
but they still keep trying
until they succeed.

Strong women face the
daily trails of life,
sometimes with a tear,
but always with their
heads held high as the
new day dawns.

- Brenda Hager

Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 8:49 AM
Finding that self - motivation

I used to read storybooks, stories about teenage love, angst, teen pregnancy, teen rebels. All that is related to teen. But eventually I gave up reading on them, because I got bored of the similar plot over and over again. Or maybe it was because I'm growing out of that teen stage?

That was when I started borrowing guide books and self-motivational ones, about health, makeup, how to build your confidence. That kind of thing. I realize reading self-motivational books really really helps. But some people don't see the benefit. I think I can understand why.

Its more of, if you want a change in your life, you want to set it at a proper pace then reading this kind of book helps. But if you have no interest about this things, you'll get bored easily. For me, I need this books because they have true short stories, phrases or poems that makes me reflect and helps to sustain that self-motivated phase I'm in.

So if you catch me reading such self-motivational, informative books (e.g. The 7 habits of highly effective people, managing time, remember God till death, etc.) please understand that I'm in that phase where I'm finding my self-motivation to improve and work harder.

Sometimes there's no one to cheer for me and give me that encouragement all the time, so picking up such a book and reading it feels like its speaking and guiding me day by day through its messages.

The book that I'm reading now is called:

Success, One Day At A Time by John C. Maxwell

The first few pages had a message that caught my attention, almost immediately I knew I found a new friend. The message was:

You will never change your life
until you change something you do daily.
The secret of your success is found
in your daily routine.
- John C. Maxwell

"You can't get much done in life
if you only work on the days you feel good."
- Basketball player Jerry West

Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 7:18 PM
Kisah Saya Dan Awak

Sedar tidak sedar, sudah 3 tahun saya mengenali awak. Tak pernah saya terfikir peristiwa memalukan saya terjatuh ke dalam longkang membuat hati kita bertaut. Terima kasih kepada Allah kerana mentakdirkan saya terjatuh dan terima kasih juga kerana Allah menggerakkan awak untuk mentertawakan saya. Jika tidak, hubungan kita tidak mungkin sampai sejauh ini. Siapa pernah menyangka peristiwa sekecil itu mampu mengikat hati dua insan. Walaupun saya dan awak masing-masing berjauhan, teknologi benar-benar mengikat kita.

Saya sedar, hari demi hari saya semakin menyenangi kehadiran awak dalam hidup saya. Saya bersyukur atas hubungan ini. Bersyukur kerana kita bukanlah seperti pasangan kekasih lain. Awak tidak pernah mengucap kata rindu, apatah lagi kata sayang. Seingat saya sepanjang 3 tahun ini, tidak sampai 5 kali kita bersua muka. Itupun tatkala awak dan keluarga datang beraya ke rumah saya. Saya juga bersyukur ibu bapa kita saling meredhai persahabatan kita. Hari demi hari, kita semakin matang. Saya semakin mengenali dunia, semakin mendalami ajaran Islam sebenar. Dulu, saya fikir hubungan kita tidak salah. Ya, memang tidak salah dari pandangan mata luar. Namun jujur jauh di sudut hati saya, saya sering merindui awak biarpun tiada siapa antara kita yang pernah melafazkannya. Pernah saya angankan awak menjadi pembimbing keluarga saya kelak. MasyaAllah, begitu jauh saya lalai. Kata-kata seorang teman suatu waktu dulu benar-benar mendorong saya berfikir panjang. “Zina hati sememangnya kelihatan kecil, namun dosanya tetap sama”.

Astaghfirullah…saya beristighfar panjang. Dengan segala kekuatan yang ada, saya katakan kepada awak. “Jangan hubungi saya lagi melainkan awak bersedia mengahwini saya”. Saya sendiri tidak pasti dengan apa yang saya lakukan. Saya sedar awak pasti kebingungan dengan kata-kata saya kerana antara kita sememangnya tiada yang istimewa. Saya juga sedar hakikatnya, awak juga punya perasaan terhadap saya biarpun awak mebisu seribu bahasa. Hubungan kita terputus begitu sahaja. Enam bulan berlalu dengan amat sukar bagi saya. Setiap hari saya berdoa semoga Allah permudahkan segala yang terbaik untuk saya, semoga Allah permudahkan jika apa yang saya lakukan benar-benar keranaNya. Ingin saya katakan, betapa sukar melupakan awak. Dalam kesibukan saya melupakan awak, tiba-tiba saya dikejutkan dengan rombongan peminangan. Andai awak dapat melihat hati saya, pastinya awak tahu betapa terkejutnya saya. Ya, awak tunaikan permintaan saya. Awak datang lagi ke rumah saya, tapi kali ini dengan sebentuk cincin. Sekarang saya sudah sah menjadi permaisuri hidup awak. Sekarang saya bebas merindui awak tanpa rasa berdosa, saya bebas berbicara dengan awak tanpa rasa bersalah dan saya bebas menyayangi awak kerana awaklah pembimbing hidup saya. Terima kasih Allah ikatkan kita dengan tali perkahwinan biarpun pada usia muda remaja.

Terima kasih Allah menghadirkan awak sekali lagi dalam hidup saya.

I'm sorry its not in English. But, I'll summarize the main points about the story.

Its a beautiful story about how a girl and a guy liking each other but they never admit it to each other. She left him for the sake of God but fate brought them back together 6 months later and they got married. Oh ya, and they're still teenagers. More like young adults I guess, late teens.

Why do i find this story meaningful?
Because it has helped me to do about the same thing. Leaving behind those kinda feelings to a guy and seeking God's mercy instead.

== English version ==
Sometimes God hide the sun
Giving us thunder and lightning
We cry and questioned
Where did the ray of lights go?
But actually God wanted to present us with a beautiful rainbow

== Malay version ==
Kadangkala Tuhan sembunyikan matahari
Die datangkan kita petir dan kilat
Kite menangis dan tertanya tanya
Di mana hilangnya sinar
Rupa-rupanya Tuhan nak hadiahkan pelangi indah

Source for story:

Monday, April 6, 2009 @ 9:45 PM
Guess what.

So guess what, another pair of footwear fell apart. It happened last week, while I was at work.
Poor sandals... This is my first time having footwear fall apart consecutively.. First was the beginning of my ITP period, and the other nearing the ending of my ITP period. Hmm.. Is it a sign?

Maybe its just a sign to get better quality shoes...
Its actually my sister's. Teeheehee. But she was kinda okay with it, just told me to get a new pair. I can wear some of her shoes, but she can hardly wear mine. She's younger than me but the funny thing is that her shoe size is bigger than mine.

Another funny thing that happened last week was when my mum suddenly called me while I was on my way home from work. So this was how it went:

I picked up the call, expecting mum to ask me some random question or buy something.

Me: "Hello."

Mama(I call mum 'Mama') : "Kakak, I need your help. Do you remember the song that I was talking about yesterday? I need it, but I can't remember it now. Can u sing it for me please?"

Me: "You mean the 'Mr Sun' song?"

Mama: " Oh ya, ya..That one. I can only remember the chorus, how do you continue to the other part huh?"

Me (talking in an urgent whisper): "Huh?! You want me to sing now?? I'm in the MRT leh. What if people can hear???"

Mama: "Oh, then sing softer la, can what."

Me: "Cannot la Ma! I'm at the door already. A LOT of people are crowding around me now. If I sing, they will obviously hear!"

Mama(still persistent): "Aiya, can la, can la. A while only. Or or u go somewhere la."

Me (starting to feel like i should just give in): " Huh...erm...ok la, ok la. I find somewhere, some random corner and sing for u la.."

I didn't really went to find a corner, there was a less crowded area nearby, so I went there instead.

Me: " K, found it. So which was the part you want me to continue from?"

Mama: "Oh, its - Oh Mr Sun, Sun. Mr Golden Sun, please shine down on me. Oh Mr Sun, Sun. Mr Golden Sun, hiding behind the tree...then after that how to continue the song?"

Me (singing softly to my handphone): " These little children are asking you, to please come out so we can play with you. Oh Mr Sun, Sun. Mr Golden Sun, please shine down on me.."

Mama (becomes excited once i've helped her sing): " Oh okok! Thank you!"

After that, I just went home while thinking how funny it was previously. Most of you might not understand why my mum suddenly asked me to sing the song. You see, my mum recently applied for a course to become a kindergarten teacher.

Unfortunately, her O levels does not qualify for it, so she can't fully complete the course. So she has no other choice but to be stuck at teaching children below the age of 3. Play group teacher la, that kind.

Well, that is good enough I guess. Seeing how much effort my mum puts in lately, makes me kinda feel proud. :) And for that Mr Sun singing session, I helped her design the 'Mr Sun' on the previous night. I'm not quite sure if the lyrics are correct, don't remember much now.

So far, listening to her stories about the little kids makes me wanna join in the fun someday.
I really wanna meet one of the little girl she always mentions, called Clover. The youngest in the group. Haaa.....

Kids are soo cute only when they're small. They get really annoying once they become like my sister.. (Note the bold words, XTRA emphasis.)

YES, cute. BUT, annoying.
Cutely annoying.